Time Flies

Happy New Year! There’s been so many changes & I can hardly believe that after more than five years of being a Mom to my little girl, we welcomed a new soul into the world……a beautiful little boy named Kingston who is now 6 months old.

He is so sweet and happy….. we love him so much! But time is flying & these past few months have passed so quickly….

photo(7)  a little moment in time of nesting in and becoming a Mom all over again…

reading......and my big girl is getting adjusting to Kindergarten life….

Things have changed, life has evolved and honestly I never ever thought I would find myself in the place I’m in right now…..Soon after my husband accepted a new job offer and we relocated from sunny LA to the San Francisco Bay Area, I came to realize that the best thing for me to do was to put my ever demanding clothing business on hold for a bit, to take a break from the long hours I was working day and night, and to spend some time with my daughter. A few months later, I became pregnant again and so the story goes on….

For someone like me who has been working hard all my life since I was 14 years old (!), has traveled the world as a designer, and has launched and run my own clothing business for several years…it’s been a huge adjustment to stay home and focus on being a Mom…..Sometimes it’s really hard, but most of the time, it’s pretty amazing….

Now my days are filled with cooking, cleaning, drop offs, pick ups, play dates, homework, nursing, nap times, diapers and more diapers, reading, dancing, SO MUCH LOVE and many exhausting sleepless nights.

Vintage rocking chair & DIY pillows
Vintage rocking chair with D.I.Y. pillows

a peek into the nursery…

I will always cherish this time in my life and I’m truly grateful for the chance to spend so much time with my daughter and the new baby!

But that being said, a girl can always use a little GLAMOUR in her life & sometimes I do really miss the frenetic pace of working in the fashion world and having a good reason for getting dressed up every day….

So, after a long hiatus, I’ve decided to get back to working on the Juliette Sunshine blog by taking it to a new direction. Instead of focusing on my designs, I’ll be focusing on all the PLACES, PEOPLE and PRETTY THINGS that INSPIRE ME and taking a more personal approach to blogging about my family life and all the things that I LOVE…..with a new life and style blog for you and your little ones.

It’s a month into 2013 and seems like the perfect time for a new beginning!

With Love,
